After checking out the new TM as validator I can say: Respect! I like it! It is way better than before and I am looking forward to validating.

I had one problem when validating multiple tiles of a user in JOSM today. I clicked the button to download the data to JOSM but I didn't get any OSM Data. I just got the imagery and the TM-Tile-Borders, but the "OSM-Data"-Set was empty. I guess this is not what it should be? In single tile validation I get the OSM-Data.

And I am curious what is behind the random task selection for validation. It is really random or is there some algorithm behind which gives me users which
 - haven't been validated recently or
 - have been invalidated recently or
 - are beginners or
 - have finished the tile just minutes ago or
 - ...?

I really was waiting for this button, because now validators can focus on validating without browsing for tiles. I think I will use this button a lot.


Am 2017-10-21 um 22:27 schrieb john whelan:
I'm after the most recently mapped tile because that one is the way they are currently mapping and that's what I'd like to correct.

If I get a name that gives me one or more tiles.  Which is the most recent?   If they are mapping in a group they may well have corrected themselves or even by themselves they may have experimented then read the documentation and corrected themselves.

I've had mappers with three of four years experience who have benefited from feedback.  One was using highway=track rather than highway=unclassified because he once put in name=unclassified in JOSM got an error there after used highway=track.  English even the US variety wasn't their first language.

You should know by now I'm awkward and do things differently.

Cheerio John

On 21 October 2017 at 16:08, Blake Girardot < <>> wrote:

    I think you just want to sort by "last feedback" then.

    That should tell you how long it has been since the mapper last got
    feedback and if it is the same as their registration time, you know
    they have probably never gotten feedback.

    Can you try that and see if it is a fair replacement for your most
    recently mapped task. I think it will get you the same thing


    On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 3:48 PM, john whelan
    < <>> wrote:
    > Remember I'm basically lazy.  I do two things when I validate. 
    The first is
    > clean up the second is provide feedback.
    > The sooner someone receives feedback the better the response. 
    You get more
    > tiles out of them and they are of a higher quality.  This means
    less clean
    > up for me to do.
    > Someone confirmed the feedback loop and confirmed that within 24
    hours is
    > best then you get a trickle down effect so after a week you get
    much lower
    > responses.
    > The other part is if I'm validating tiles that are a week old am
    I going to
    > annoy the mapper because they may have already corrected their
    bad habits as
    > a result of earlier feedback and yet these are still being
    mentioned.  So
    > the mapper doesn't get a warm fuzzy and to be honest it takes
    longer for me
    > to provide proper feedback than to have mapped the tile myself. 
    > I'm lazy.
    > So when I land on a project the ideal is validate the most
    recently mapped
    > tiles first then quietly clean up the rest.
    > Does that make it clearer?  It's about problem avoidance or
    > rather than verifying the mapping as such.
    > The how long have they been mapping helps, some mappers I'll
    take a quick
    > glance at, newer mappers it's zoom in and look for a few more
    > Thanks John
    > On 21 Oct 2017 3:32 pm, "Blake Girardot HOT/OSM"
    < <>>
    > wrote:
    >> Hi John,
    >> If you could explain just a bit more about why the most recently
    >> mapped task is your main priority (sometimes)?
    >> I do not understand.
    >> I understand it has something to do with someone who mapped 3
    >> ago, we now also send emails so time passed since they last
    mapped is
    >> much much less of an issue (Martin is going to maybe look at
    >> his analysis).
    >> We actually started off with what you are asking for, but feedback
    >> from users was they were much more interested in getting to the
    >> mappers the fastest, which is what we ended up going with.
    >> Maybe it is easy to add back in, but that table is already
    pretty crowded.
    >> Regards,
    >> Blake
    >> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 2:37 PM, john whelan
    < <>>
    >> wrote:
    >> > I've found what you are doing on the video, your accent is
    fine you know
    >> > of
    >> > course that people studying English like what it is spoke
    years ago
    >> > travel
    >> > to parts of the US to record the Americans as their language
    has been
    >> > isolated for many years so it much closer to English what was
    spoke when
    >> > their families emigrated.
    >> >
    >> > Yes I can pick out a user who registered ten minutes ago and
    the tiles
    >> > they
    >> > mapped but that isn't what I'm after.  I'm after the most
    >> > mapped
    >> > tile and that's the one that is the most valuable to give
    feedback on.
    >> >
    >> > By the way I'm using cut and paste on the name displayed
    below to give
    >> > feedback with the @ sign or <Crtl>i to grab the username in
    JOSM, its
    >> > faster
    >> > than typing it in as you were doing.  Some mappers are
    naughty and do
    >> > not
    >> > completely map a tile, but their mapping still requires
    feedback even if
    >> > someone else finishes it off.
    >> >
    >> > Thanks
    >> >
    >> > Cheerio John
    >> >
    >> > On 21 October 2017 at 14:20, Blake Girardot
    < <>> wrote:
    >> >>
    >> >> Hi John,
    >> >>
    >> >> Thank you very much for your feedback on the TM3, this and the
    >> >> previous. And thank you for putting them in GitHub, that is
    really the
    >> >> best place for them.
    >> >>
    >> >> The TM3 has better than the most recently mapped task.
    >> >>
    >> >> The most recently mapped task tells you nothing about the
    skill level
    >> >> or the newness of the mapper. It could have been completed
    by me, 7+
    >> >> years in OSM.
    >> >>
    >> >> What I really want is to find when I am validating is the newest
    >> >> mapper who someone has not already given feedback.
    >> >>
    >> >> No point in me giving a 2 hour old user feedback if you got
    one of
    >> >> their tasks 5 mins ago.
    >> >>
    >> >> That is what you can see in the Tasking Manager 3.
    >> >>
    >> >> I know my accent bugs you, so I made a silent video of how I
    use the
    >> >> TM3 to get the newest mappers feedback as fast as possible:
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> Let me know what you think of the workflow in the video if
    you would
    >> >> please.
    >> >>
    >> >> Respectfully,
    >> >> blake
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 11:06 AM, john whelan
    < <>>
    >> >> wrote:
    >> >> > Typically when I validate I validate the most recently
    mapped tiles
    >> >> > first
    >> >> > working on the principle that the faster feedback the more
    likely it
    >> >> > is
    >> >> > to
    >> >> > be effective.
    >> >> >
    >> >> > If someone has already changed their habits telling them
    that two
    >> >> > villages
    >> >> > two kilometers apart are probably not connected by a
    primary highway
    >> >> > but
    >> >> > by
    >> >> > a minor road three months after they have mapped is a
    waste of time.
    >> >> >
    >> >> > I can't see how to do this in TM3.  I need a link to the tile.
    >> >> >
    >> >> > _______________________________________________
    >> >> > HOT mailing list
    >> >> > <>
    >> >> >
    >> >> >
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> --
    >> >> ----------------------------------------------------
    >> >> Blake Girardot
    >> >> OSM Wiki -
    >> >> HOTOSM Member -
    >> >> skype: jblakegirardot
    >> >> Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > _______________________________________________
    >> > HOT mailing list
    >> > <>
    >> >
    >> >
    >> --
    >> ----------------------------------------------------
    >> Blake Girardot
    >> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
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