Proposed Changes

1) Change upload form to require tags

2) Remove default "explicit" tag from the form

As Ken the host I would like to support the first, and making the second
a default per host.

However ................

As Ken the HPR Volunteer I would like to weigh in with some counter

Firstly making more mandatory fields risks increasing the barrier to
entry when posting a show. We have always assumed the task of filling
out additional information so that people only need to record a show.
This is our prime directive.

Re 1) Tags

We already have hosts, new and old alike, adding the same string to the
summary and show notes field. I suspect that they will just add the same
string there as well. Furthermore some shows are so short that the
addition of a tag seems to be superfluous.

Re 2) Explicit

The "explicit" field is selected as the default because of the risk of
the HPR Project getting de-listed if it is not flagged correctly.
We have struggled with the "be considered inoffensive in every region of
the world" requirement, as it's very non binary and yet we require a
binary decision. If one person finds a discussion on X offensive do we
need to set the show to Explicit ? Never happened but the risk is there.

Keep in mind as well that I have observed over the years that no matter
how messed up the other fields were, the "Clean" flag always seemed to
be changed.

We only very rarely need to fix this flag, and when we have had to it's
been about 50:50 as to which way we are changing it. That said setting
the flag from "Clean" to "Explicit" is a lot more urgent and requires
immediate action.

Occasionally we will contact a host known to submit "Clean" shows and
see if they intended to do so, but equally the opposite is true.

I would like to propose that this default value be taken from the hosts
profile. So while Daves would default to Explicit, lostnbronx would
default to "Clean". The host can always override it for a particular show.

How to change your profile, you ask ?

Easy just change it when you send in another show :)


Ken Fallon

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