On 04/03/19 20:57, NYbill wrote:
> I don't mind that. Sometimes I forget that field. I know on my last
> upload (the first attempt that failed) I put three tags in. But, I can't
> remember now if I added them on the re-upload.
> I saw the talk of the clean/explicit options in this thread as well. It
> would be nice if, when the person hits upload, the page says, "These
> fields are required."
> Forcing some tags and forcing a choice on either clean/explicit.
> (Oh, it would be extra nice if the tags field had a drop down list of
> used tags. I never know if I'm making new ones up. But, I can't code
> that up. :P So, I'm not making more work for anyone else.)
> I'll try and figure out how to add tags now after the fact and go
> through all my old shows to make sure they have some.

Hi Bill,

My (static) page for helping contributors to the Tag and Summary project
is something you should look at. It's at

On that (rather long) page you'll find a section which lists shows by
contributor where tags and/or summaries are needed
(http://hackerpublicradio.org/report_missing_tags.php#Hosts). You only
have one show without tags in fact. The page only lists shows which have
been released though, not shows scheduled in the future.

You will also find an alphabetic list of all tags and the shows they are
used in (http://hackerpublicradio.org/report_missing_tags.php#Tags).

Finally, if you want to send in tags (or summaries) you can send an
email formatted as shown at the top of the page to the address mentioned
there, and we'll add them - and refresh the page of course.


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