I agree with the proposed patch.

Do we have more information about the harrassment that took (or is taking?) 
place? I don't mean names or anything specific,  just wondering what we're 
dealing with. Mean comments? Threatening emails? What level are we at here? 

If discussing it publically would betray confidence, then disregard my 

On 15 December 2019 1:56:54 AM NZDT, Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie> wrote:
>Hi All,
>I have had disturbing reports that multiple hosts have been harassed
>after posting shows to HPR. After further investigation I have no
> to doubt that these reports are anything but genuine.
>This has been a bit of a shock to me, as HPR has always seemed like a
>well-regulated community. I for one don't condone harassment or
>offensive behavior especially against people who have made the effort
> contribute to the network. I believe that this is the view of the HPR
>Community in general, but I would like confirmation.
>Therefore I formally propose the following policy change.
>Modify http://hackerpublicradio.org/about.php#free_culture as follows:
>< Hacker Public Radio is dedicated to sharing knowledge
>> Hacker Public Radio is dedicated to sharing knowledge in a welcoming
>community that offers positive feedback and encourages respectful
>I would appreciate your active response on this issue.


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