I'm completely in favour of language that describes a cooperative, welcoming culture.

Some people have suggested removing host e-mail addresses from the show notes. Can this be a selectable option? When I submit something I'm OK with my e-mail address being visible and publicly available -- I'm pretty thick-hided (and thick-headed).

--Bob, who's years overdue for another episode

On 2019-12-14 7:56 a.m., Ken Fallon wrote:
Hi All,

I have had disturbing reports that multiple hosts have been harassed
after posting shows to HPR. After further investigation I have no reason
  to doubt that these reports are anything but genuine.

This has been a bit of a shock to me, as HPR has always seemed like a
well-regulated community. I for one don't condone harassment or
offensive behavior especially against people who have made the effort to
  contribute to the network. I believe that this is the view of the HPR
Community in general, but I would like confirmation.

Therefore I formally propose the following policy change.

Modify http://hackerpublicradio.org/about.php#free_culture as follows:

< Hacker Public Radio is dedicated to sharing knowledge
Hacker Public Radio is dedicated to sharing knowledge in a welcoming
community that offers positive feedback and encourages respectful debate.

I would appreciate your active response on this issue.

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Bob Jonkman <bjonk...@sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
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