
As a short time listener (February of this year), who spent a month and a
half digging through the back catalog I have to say the show itself has
kept me constantly enthralled.  Yes some of the audio could be better but
out of the 100+ shows I've listened to maybe 2 were totally unlistenable.
And for content I like how it varies, some topics need an hour others can
be taken care of in three minutes and that's always been the beauty of
hackspaces.  Yeah there are some oddball shows that some might not think
are necessarily "of interest to hackers" but hackculture is not a monolith,
or better put the Car Maintenance episode has just as much value as the
Baremetal programming on the RPi episodes.  As someone who tries to listen
daily (or at a minimum be caught up with the previous week by the time the
next week's first episode drops) I look forward to every show and as
someone who wants to contribute the shorter episodes give me a spring board
when I sit down to try to draft a show (so yeah Ken I owe you a show).  So
long ramble short I feel that the daily show no matter what is healthy for
the ecosystem of HPR and folks like myself who open a text editor and stare
at flashing cursor to draft pre-show notes just need to hit record and do
the thing.
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