Hi rtsn,

Speaking as a Janitor here for a moment.

As Klaatu pointed out quite rightly some years ago, our shows are released under the Creative Commons license. There is nothing in that license that requires any listener to submit a show. There are many ways to contribute to HPR and many have done so but have not (as yet) submitted a show.

I had a look at you're site and there a loads of topics of interest to hackers there. We can always get someone to narrate your content for you.

Speaking as a Fellow HPR Community member

I am so glad you submitted this blog post. It's important that we revisit discussion on topics to see if the community "now" still agrees with what the community "then" decided.

Back in 2010, shows were getting released on an ad hoc basis. Some days there were as many as two or even three shows released per day. More often than not though, there was no show at all. As time went on the period between no shows increased. After a time it was unclear if HPR was alive. This was reflected in a steady decline of subscribers.

One of the policies I suggested straight away was that "one show a day - every day, builds trust and retains listeners." This has turned out to be true based on the steadily increasing subscriber base.

This of course is my personal opinion, and should be challenged.


Ken Fallon

On 2021-04-25 14:35:45, BK Navarette wrote:
Thank you for the apology. Now get out and fill an empty slot in the hpr calendar


On 4/25/21 8:30 AM, Jason Dodd wrote:

Apology not necessary. In fact, I'd like to thank you for the post.

    "I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm terrible at podcasting"

This is one of the reasons we don't have a minimum quality bar.  I hope you reconsider and put out a show.  I read some of your posts and your content is of interest to hackers.

To the question of leaving slots open.  Another reason I like the current mode of operations is it forces us to produce.  I liken it a bit like the writer committed to so many words a day regardless.  That being said I'm more of a listener as well and go with the flow.

Assuming 'quality' refers to the quality of content vs production quality, I also caution against more of a minimum bar than 'of interest to hackers' because there are some shows I got value from I think would not have been made if the quality bar was higher.  For example we might not have gotten the one which suggested using toothpicks to help when threads are stripped or the one on tying a knot to identify which ear headphones go in(i didn't do this but it gave me the inspiration to mark them another way).

To me, HPR is kinda like hanging out in a hackerspace.  You hear things from across the room or in the next room.  And some of it is useless to you but it's nice to be in the environment nonetheless. Some of the things you hear fall into the TMI category, but I listened the snoring episode all the way to the end anyway.

I understand that everyone's catcher is already overflowing and there's a need to cull or skip podcasts which aren't pulling their weight.  But I'm fully onboard with YAS on how to cook a well known dish from someone in the community because 'we need a show'.  It might sound strange but there is almost always a new to me take on something when I hear a hacker discuss something that's not normally on topic here.

Don't get me wrong, I loved HPR back when shows were few and far between.

On 4/25/21 5:39 AM, nstr wrote:
On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
help with either.


Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural
North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words.
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize
to all of you. I'm sorry.

All the best

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