On 8/13/22 11:25, Ken Fallon wrote:

On 2022-08-13 17:03, Roan Horning wrote:

On 8/13/22 10:20, Ken Fallon wrote:
On 2022-08-13 14:41, Roan Horning wrote:

On 8/12/22 03:27, Ken Fallon wrote:
On 2022-08-11 22:16, Ken Fallon wrote:
For me the connotation of a podcast hosting platform means either some kind of 
monetization going on in the background, or some kind of sharing of resources 
between the podcasts, and I am not sure how that would look and work as HPR is 
currently structured. ...

Anyway when money gets involved, we go to a whole other layer of oversight, and 
bureaucracy that I would much prefer to have nothing to do with. If you want to 
contribute, send your donation to Josh/AnHonestHost or The Internet Archive. 
When HPR needs stuff, the community usually provides.

I didn't state it, but I agree. It is another whole level of complexity that is 
not worth the effort.

Apologies I misunderstood your point.

No worries, I should have stated that at first. My position was not well 
implied in my response.

As far as needing a podcast hosting platform, there already is one, and that is 
the Internet Archive. They already provide an API, and they provide the hosting 
for us and many other Creative Commons podcasts as well. In fact that is where 
HPR shows that have gone live are hosted from, so what value would hosting on 
HPR provide ?

The value of hosting your shows on HPR, at least initially, is a fairly large 
audience with presumably similar interest is introduced to your content.

Well doesn't that make those Syndicated Shows?

    /we are only releasing material created exclusively for HPR./


We put that rule in because other podcasts sought to post to HPR to gain 
audience, and we started having no free slots for HPR only content.

Over the years we have stopped a lot of podcasts from airing on HPR because of this rule, 
but what's to stop them "hosting" on HPR instead and by passing this rule ?

Ahh, I didn't realize that was an issue. While I have recently worked with the 
syndication page, I obviously haven't read it thoroughly :) How is this decided 
currently--whether a podcast can post through HPR or not? Is it on a case by 
case decision through the mailing list?

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