On 2022-08-13 17:49, Roan Horning wrote:

On 8/13/22 11:25, Ken Fallon wrote:
Well doesn't that make those Syndicated Shows?

Ahh, I didn't realize that was an issue. While I have recently worked with the syndication page, I obviously haven't read it thoroughly :) How is this decided currently--whether a podcast can post through HPR or not? Is it on a case by case decision through the mailing list?

It's usually pretty clear cut. If someone has their own podcast, with their own site, and their own feed - then they are a syndicated show. None of these things were in place when the InLaws posted their first show.

However I did send them this email to check.

   /Are you planning on releasing exclusively on HPR or are you
   planning on hosting your own podcast ?/

   /If the former then no problem. If you are planning your own show
   then I'm posting one sample episode under the rules/

   /If you are doing your own show we will be happy to add your site
   and feed to the http://freeculturepodcasts.org/ list./


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)
Hpr mailing list

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