On 2022-08-18 15:25, Jason Dodd wrote:

On 8/18/22 07:40, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
I would think there are two problems here, potentially. First, if your
plan amounts to having HPR host your own podcast, obviously that is
Then I suppose I'll stop with the shows that I do have recorded but haven't uploaded.  I consider the few shows I've done now my irregular podcast that's posted to HPR.

It takes very little to run your own podcast nowadays. Create an account on the Internet Archive and upload your media there. Create a small RSS file on your own domain which points to the media on the IA and you're done. We can help you if you run into problems, and advise you on how to increase your exposure.

I guess it's a distinction without a difference to me.  A series on HPR is the same as a podcast on a specific topic only hosted on HPR.

HPR tag is an ad-hoc grouping of shows on a topic.

HPR Series tend to be open to multiple hosts on a defined grouping of shows around a topic.

Number of Hosts
<https://binrev.anhonesthost.net:2083/cpsess6253454060/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/sql.php?db=hpr_hpr&table=miniseries&sql_query=SELECT%0D%0A++++COUNT%28DISTINCT+h.host%29+nhosts%2C+ms.name%0D%0AFROM+miniseries+ms%0D%0AJOIN+eps+e+ON+ms.id+%3D+e.series%0D%0AJOIN+hosts+h+ON+e.hostid+%3D+h.hostid%0D%0AGROUP+BY+ms.id++%0AORDER+BY+%60nhosts%60++ASC&sql_signature=7ed1cb81411cb5f8503c41a700d4924f0fe242a3b579a3cb0659baf44b9b09f7&session_max_rows=50&is_browse_distinct=0> Name
50      How I got into tech
44      Interviews
34      What's in My Toolkit
20      Privacy and Security
20      Podcast recommendations
15      Cooking
12      Health and Healthcare
11      Accessibility
11      Hobby Electronics
10      Programming 101
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6       A Little Bit of Python
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2       Freedom is not Free


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