Hi All,

Thanks to all who sent in shows, but we still need more shows. I am specifically looking for contribution from people who do not have 2023-??-?? as their "Last Show" on this page https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents.php


The following is taken with permission from the HPR matrix room. https://matrix.to/#/#hpr:matrix.org

   /From: minnix//
   //@Ken Fallon (PA7KEN, G5KEN): if the survival of HPR depends solely
   on new hosts, then you might as well fold the show. If the survival
   of the show depends on just getting shows period with a smattering
   of new hosts thrown in throughout the year, then it's good. If it
   were me I would encourage everyone, old and new hosts, to send in
   lots of shows. If you want the queue to be empty just to prove that
   HPR needs new hosts, I bet that's easily accomplished, but I don't
   see that changing the nature of reality, ie: it is what it is./

And my reply

       if the survival of HPR depends solely on new hosts, then you
       might as well fold the show.

   Well that was the position we had HPR in back in 2010, and while
   it's hard we managed to not miss a day since.

       If the survival of the show depends on just getting shows period
       with a smattering of new hosts thrown in throughout the year,
       then it's good.

   Yes this is a more realistic situation.

       If it were me I would encourage everyone, old and new hosts, to
       send in lots of shows.

   Excellent idea and thanks for volunteering ;-) One word of warning
   though is that some of the previous hosts do not like to be
   contacted. You may want to consider sending reminders on
   anniversaries, such as 5 years since the last show.

       If you want the queue to be empty just to prove that HPR needs
       new hosts, I bet that's easily accomplished, but I don't see
       that changing the nature of reality, ie: it is what it is.

   Well it's the difference between "@SGOTI and @Archer72 seem to be on
   a recording spree" and "What another Emergency Show. I need to send
   in some shows." Same reality but different effect.

   The two week rule is intended to make queue management a easier, as
   it will tackle the feast and famine of the submissions.

   Call for shows work, but there are problems with it.

   First they only reach a tiny fraction of the community here and on
   the mailing list, which are probably the same people anyway. By
   filling the free slots with Emergency/Reserve shows, we
   automatically announce to the entire community that there were free
   slots not filled, and that we now need another Emergency/Reserve
   show to replace the one just posted.

   Secondly the call for shows result in people going to the site to
   see what the situation now is. If one host fills all the slots with
   a series they have been working on, then the next person will see a
   filled queue and not bother submitting a show. Unfortunately that
   has happened on more than one occasion.

   The two week rule, will spread out the slots which makes queue
   management a lot easier.


This brings up the question, we have over 341 former hosts who have not contributed this year. Any ideas on how to get some of them active again ?


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)

On 2023-05-12 11:14, Ken Fallon wrote:

Hi All,

First , *w**e need shows immediately* as there is an empty queue next week, and the number of Emergency/Reserve shows are also dwindling. So please finish that show you were thinking of submitting and send it in. If you don't care when it's released please put "Use as Emergency show" in the show notes for now.

... hold music while you do that ...

I am concerned about the future of HPR, as a project where the shows are produced by the community. At this rate we cease to be a bar camp style podcast and become one where the shows are provided by a rotating team of "regulars".

Ideally we would like it so that every show is contributed by a different host, giving a 1:1 ratio between show and host. So far this year all but 4 of the submissions are from hosts who submitted more than one show, a 3:1 ratio. Ahuka aside, the majority are as a result of kindhearted hosts who contribute shows at the last minute to fill the vacant slots.

To make this problem more visible I would like to introduce the following Scheduling Guideline "*No host should submit any more than one show in a two week period.*" Of course these are guidelines etc etc., but it should still allow prolific hosts to submit shows while not masking the underlying issue that we have yet to address.

Which is: We need new hosts, but we also need old hosts who have not submitted shows this year to submit a show.

How do we solve this problem ?


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)
159     HPR Volunteers  12
198     Ahuka   9
391     Some Guy On The Internet        8
318     Archer72        7
282     Mike Ray        5
30      Ken Fallon      5
326     Brian in Ohio   5
36      operat0r        3
365     Bookewyrmm      3
225     Dave Morriss    3
401     Mechatroniac    3
415     enistello       2
407     Celeste         2
268     Andrew Conway   2
152     Claudio Miranda         2
293     Rho`n   2
416     screwtape       2
342     norrist         2
238     Jon Kulp        2
375     minnix  2
201     MrX     2
408     Stache_AF       1
383     Paul Quirk      1
209     David Whitman   1
377     Zen_Floater2    1

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