Would it be possible to do this in perl?

>From: Gilles Detillieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (gil cohen)
>Subject: Re: [htdig] re: parsing stuff
>Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 15:33:40 -0500 (CDT)
>According to gil cohen:
> > Okay, here's a proram I wrote:
> >
> > -------------
> > cat $1|tr -d '\12'|sed -e 's/.*<title>//' -e 's/<\/title>.*//' >> /test
> > echo "Content-Type: text/html"
> > echo ''
> > cat $1
> > -------------
> >
> > Then, I put the following in the config file:
> > text/html->text/html "sh /RIDOF.sh"
>That's not quite complete.  You need to have "external_parsers: " in
>front of that.  However, that still won't work - in fact, it will cause
>htdig's ExternalParser module to recursively call itself until it blows
>its stack.  Right now, external converters must convert one mime type
>to a different type, and the chain must eventually lead to an actual
>parser (whether internal or external).
>You have two choices: you can modify the existing internal HTML parser,
>or you can write a full external parser for HTML, that will grab all
>the information you want from the documents, including links to other
>Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:    
>Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
>Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930
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