According to gil cohen:
> Okay, I wrote the perl program to the _exact_ specifications as it should 
> be, I even tested it and it seems to work perfectly. I put in the config 
> file just the way it should be, and it crashes. It brings down the whole 
> machine with it. Following the specifications on this page:

OK, perhaps you should post some details about which version of htdig
you're running, and on which OS.  I've heard of htdig crashing before -
older versions in particular had problems with external parsers - but
I've never heard of it taking the whole machine down with it before.
You may also want to post your external parser to the list, as there
may be some Perl experts here who can help you debug it (no, I'm not
one of them).  You should also try running htdig with two or more -v
options to see what it's doing just before it crashes.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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