On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Gilles Detillieux wrote:

> Have you been able to build ht://Dig using SGI's compiler?  I may be


> build of ht://Dig with it.  In all likelyhood, it would be a problem in
> the ht://Dig code that just doesn't manifest itself when built with the
> GNU compiler.

Maybe. Except I sometimes have trouble building software that's *supposed*
to work with SGI's compiler (like GCC or Emacs or CVS). Yes, I'd like to
see ht://Dig compile cleanly with various native compilers. But since
there seems to be an Ok workaround (if not ideal), I'm not personally
going to put much effort in this direction.

Then again, I haven't used SGI's compiler extensively. I admit readily
that I'd much rather compile GCC (or get binaries) and use them than fuss
with the native one.

In my group here at Northwestern, I'm not alone. Only SGI's Fortran
compiler is used, in part because there isn't a GNU compiler for anything
beyond f77.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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