> According to David Adams:
> > I have been using htdig (3.1.2 and then 3.1.5) on an IRIX system for about a 
> > year and I have been very pleased with it.  I would say that we've given it a 
> > good workout here.  The problem with the "Deleted, invalid" messages only 
> > occurs with a second, relatively new search index.
> I guess I should have read your message before responding to Geoff's!
> > The first index is made from a single run of htdig covering 33 servers, all in 
> > the local domain, and on this week's initial dig htmerge reports 49,233 
> > documents and not a single "Deleted, invalid".
> > 
> > The second index is made from two runs of htdig covering a total 969 (yes 969 
> > !) servers using a proxy.  Htmerge reports a mere 3,096 documents and 86 
> > "Deleted, invalid".
> > 
> > I have looked at the db.wordlist files (which are written to only by htdig - is 
> > that right?)
> Yes and no.  htdig creates and writes the initial db.wordlist, then htmerge
> sorts it, merges words together, and processes flags for page removals.  It
> then rewrites this file before creating the word index database.
> > and it would appear that htdig is flagging the pages for htmerge 
> > to delete and is not finding any words in them.
> > 
> > I can advance these theories:
> > 
> >     It is not a bug, but is due to the use of a proxy. (I use a proxy 
> >     because without one, a portion of the sites on any run of htdig were 
> >     found to be not responding or even unknown.  With a proxy, htdig appears
> >     to have no such problems.)
> Hold on there!  The problem of sites being down (unknown or not
> responding) is exactly the sort of thing that causes the "Deleted,
> invalid" situation, and I said so last week.  How did you conclude that
> htdig appears to have no such problems with a proxy, when it does indeed
> appear to be having exactly that problem?  It would make sense that if
> a site is not responding, the proxy would inform htdig of this (unless
> it happened to quietly substitute a cached copy of the requested page
> - assuming it had one), and htdig would respond the same way it would
> without a proxy.  I think this is the most likely theory.

How did I conclude that htdig is having no such problems?
Two reasons: 
        1).     At least one page on our main server, covered by my
                http_proxy_exclude statement, is "Deleted, invalid".
        2).     When I do not use http_proxy then htdig -v gives clear
                messages, such as "Unable to connect to server" and
                "Server not responding".
                With http_proxy I get no such messages, not even with htdig -vvv

        3).     I can access the pages using IE (same proxy) the same day,
                no problem. 
        4).     One or two pages from a site may be affected while others
                are not.

I have now re-run the index with htdig -i -vvv etc.  I have rather a lot of 
information to go through, but I've found nothing yet.

And that nothing is significant.  What do you make of this, the log from htmerge

Deleted, invalid: 2200/http://www.folkmania.org.uk/LeeZachinfo.htm

While the log from htdig includes this (slightly mangled by "more" command), which 
looks OK to me:

pick: www.folkmania.org.uk, # servers = 246
1226:895:2:http://www.folkmania.org.uk/LeeZachinfo.htm: Retrieval command for 
http://www.folkmania.org.uk/LeeZachinfo.htm: GET http://www.folkmania.org.uk/Lee
Zachinfo.htm HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: htdig/3.1.5 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Referer: http://www.folkmania.org.uk/
Host: www.folkmania.org.uk

Header line: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Header line: Server: thttpd/2.07 02dec99
Header line: Content-Type: text/html
Header line: Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 03:35:01 GMT
Header line: Last-Modified: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 18:34:50 GMT
Translated Fri, 23 Jun 2000 18:34:50 GMT to 2000-06-23 18:34:50 (100)
And converted to Fri, 23 Jun 2000 18:34:50
Header line: Accept-Ranges: bytes
Header line: Content-Length: 4586
Header line: Age: 127170
Header line: X-Cache: HIT from www-cacheb.soton.ac.uk
Header line: X-Cache-Lookup: HIT from www-cacheb.soton.ac.uk:3128
Header line: X-Cache: MISS from www-cachea.soton.ac.uk
Header line: X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from www-cachea.soton.ac.uk:3128
Header line: Proxy-Connection: close
Header line: 
returnStatus = 0
Read 4586 from document
Read a total of 4586 bytes

title: LeeZachInfo
 size = 4586

And that page is only retrieved once.

> >     It is a bug due to the use of a proxy.
> > 
> >     It is a bug which only shows when compiled under IRIX.
> > 
> >     It is a bug which only occurs when there many different servers.
> > 

I can add another theory:

        It is a bug when merging a second index
         - all the "Deleted, invalid" pages come from the htdig run specified
           with the htmerge -m option

This theory is easy to check out, I'll investigate tomorrow.

> > I intend to re-build the second index using htdig -vvv and perhaps learn 
> > something.
> The only sure way to rule out an SGI compiler or IRIX-specific problem
> would be to run htdig on a Linux box with the same configuration and
> the same proxy, and see if you get the same results.  However, based on
> what you said about a portion of the sites not responding, I'd guess
> this is a more likely problem.  I guess there could also be a problem
> with the proxy server itself, causing it to act like a server is down
> when it isn't.  You may want to try different proxies as well.  In any
> case, a close look at htdig -vvv output should give some clues.

I will try htdig under RedHat Linux if and when time permits.

> -- 
> Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:    http://www.scrc.umanitoba.ca/~grdetil
> Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
> Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

David J Adams
Computing Services
University of Southampton

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