On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Gilles Detillieux wrote:

> >     It is a bug when merging a second index
> >      - all the "Deleted, invalid" pages come from the htdig run specified
> >        with the htmerge -m option
> > 
> > This theory is easy to check out, I'll investigate tomorrow.
> you must run htmerge after htdig to clean up the database before using
> it as the -m option for a merge.  You may have to clean up the target
> database too - I'm not completely certain about that, but I know it
> can't hurt.

You're right that it can't hurt. However, the code should work fine
without doing this. However, it would certainly help the issue at hand if
we knew that these were messages that didn't occur if you ran htmerge on
just the database and *did* occur if you ran htmerge after merging.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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