Dear Harry,

Thank you for the explanations. Thus Yuv's aproach should be continued. I
will take it into account, if I'll generate a new setup. What's the
approch on the other paltforms? Single installs or one package with a
control flow similar to my current windows setup?

By the way, is it planned to do maintenance releases, e.g. hugin 0.7.1?
This would be a good point to integrate bugfixes as well as to generate a
new setup.



> Hi Guys,
> This has been discussed before and I have stated the same back then.
> Below the SIFT license:
> ====
>         Notice: The SIFT algorithm is restricted by patents in the United
>         States and hence this software is not completely free to use. For
>         details see the LICENSE file included in the distribution,
>         before you start to use this software.
>         The University of British Columbia has applied for a patent on
>         the SIFT algorithm in the United States. Commercial
>         applications of this software may require a license from the
>         University of British Columbia.
> ====
> It very specifically states "*Commercial* *applications* of this
> software...". I've been in contact with one of the developers (months
> back)
> and that commercial statement is exactly what matters. Non-commercial
> applications (use of), whether or not within other non-commercial
> applications (software and/or use of ) also in non-commercial applications
> (again use of), are also free in the USA.
> The term applications (use of) and applications (software) makes it a bit
> unclear, but the license as such is clear enough.
> So, please use the license accordingly. It is perfectly OK to include the
> software (and license) with Hugin as long as we (the packagers) state that
> it is only allowed to use it on a non-commercial basis in the USA and that
> we are not liable in case end users do not act according the license, e.g.
> use it commercially. (Like we are not liable if we hire cars to customers
> and the customers drive to fast with it).
> Packaging could then take places as Yuv did (but with a little twist):
> - deliver a full package for: a. non-commercial users in the USA
>                                        b. both non-commercial and
> commercial
> users in the rest of the world
> - deliver a "non CP" package for commercial users in the USA.
> And yes: a completely free CP generator / matcher would be the ideal
> solution as this would also broaden the use of Hugin for commercial use
> also
> in the USA. As restricted by the license: Currently Hugin can only be used
> commercially without a CP generator / matcher.
> Hoi,
> Harry
> 2008/10/22 Guido Kohlmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Dear Ippei and Yuv,
>> as Yuv already explained, the current installer has autopano-sift
>> included, but it is possible to exclude it during installation process
>> (selection of custom install, and deselecting of autopano-sift).
>> As noted in the output of autopano-sift, the usage seems to be
>> prohibited
>> in the U.S.A. Additional the autopano-sift component has a note in the
>> installer.
>> I guess this is sufficient to point-out, that it should not be used in
>> the
>> U.S.A.
>> If another kind of installation would be necessary, give me a note.
>> Guido
>> >
>> > Ippei UKAI wrote:
>> >> Just a quick question to the Windows users: how is the autopano-sift
>> >> available for Windows? Is it included in the package and asked during
>> >> install, or available separately somewhere else?
>> >
>> > short answer: included in the package (0.7.0 release).
>> >
>> > long answer:
>> >
>> > I had made provision for an installer with all CP generators and one
>> for
>> > an installer without CP generators
>> >
>> > <
>> >
>> > <
>> >
>> >
>> > The main reason for the two installers is patent compliance.
>> >
>> > I had used the full installer for my snapshot builds as they are for
>> > educational purpose only and are not built in or distributed from the
>> USA.
>> >
>> > I used the no_patents installer for distribution builds, e.g. the ones
>> > that are shipped with Nodal Ninja.
>> >
>> > The intention was to add match-n-shift once we have a 100% SIFT-free
>> > solution, and ship it all in one package. But I like your idea of a
>> > pluggable architecture in OSX (although I have not had access to a Mac
>> > to see it in action yet).
>> >
>> > Yuv
>> >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
> >

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