Update on pvQt 0.4.58 issues

The black 180 degree line on equirectangulars  only happens with jpeg
images, and is due to a fault in the Qt image reader.  You can work
around it by storing equirectangular images as tiffs.  I've filed a
bug report with Qt and perhaps in the long run they will fix it.
Meanwhile the upcoming update of release 0.4 will have a cosmetic fix.

The messed up cylindrical qtvrs bug is also fixed in that update.

That update also includes Peter's suggestion that 2:1 aspect ratio
images be treated as equirectangular by default.

The present release can only read tiff and jpeg image files.  The
update will add png, for which a Qt imageformat plugin also exists.
Other file formats will require that someone writes Qt plugins for
them.  Any volunteers?  (One possibility is to wrap hugin-vigraimpex
as a Qt plugin, that would support many formats).

Cheers, Tom

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