Yuval Levy schrieb:
> Hi all again, and thanks for the feedback about this subject.
> First of all thanks to the Mac and Linux users for their display of 
> generosity. Did I miss something, or Windows users were conspicuously 
> absent? with the exception of
So far I was only reading. But not conspicuously.

One thing is that I would happily donate. And if I get a download link 
as "thank you", that's OK for me. On the other hand: If I knew I would 
never get a windows build anymore without donation, it would actually be 
buying, not donating. Nevertheless, for me it's worth it.

A completely different thing is that this is an open source project 
driven by volunteers and volunteers do the work that they choose, of 
course. And if there is no volunteer do to the windows work, then it is 
not done. It's as simple as that. I would find it a pity but I could not 
Then there is commercial software development and why shouldn't somebody 
do this work for money alongside with all other work he does for a 
living? There is nothing wrong about that.

The arguments Rich brought have to be considered by you developers but 
if you choose to loose some windows users as a trade-off for not having 
to do this particularly complicated and unappealing work, that's your 
decision. And a decision I can understand.
(My guess is that in the long run some windows user who is able to do 
that will step in as it happened with PPC.)


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