> > Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 17:07:18 +0100
> > From: vas...@iuav.it
> > To: hugin-ptx@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: [hugin-ptx] Re: GSoC2009
> >
> >
> > Please, I think the BASIC thing hugin needs is an updated website.
> > The first problem is that when somebody wants to install it, even on
> > windows, he steps on old unupdated versions, when luckyly find the
> > compiled exes.
> > Ubuntu debian self installing thing seems old.
> > It completely lacks clear instructions on how to install what.
> > Never seen the new updated interface. Does it exist?
> > How is integration of old things?
> >
> > Please, the first act should be reorganization of knowledge and concepts.
> > It is 3 years I'm lost to hugin, I've no clue on how to do things out of
> > basic ones cause I can't access knowledge base on my own...
> > I hope I'm not the only one, cause means my stupidity is growing with
> age.

Well indeed it might be a good thing to make things easier for beginners.
Well the first good step was with the 0.7 version on windows where the
installer had everything in it, so there was no need to go download exes on
other websites. Also the website has been updated (more tutorials and
documentation). I feel it's quite easy to browse through it, but users want
things to be simple and usually don't like reading manuals ^^ So it could be
good to add some more explanations in the forms in hugin, cuz at first you
don't really know what to do with all those tabs.
If there are things you don't know or understand how to do, just ask! That's
how we can make things even better, and there are probably other people who
are just like you, a little bit lost!

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