I have a large panorama (104,014 x 20,504) that when I stitch it
together I get these strange white vertical cloud marks going the
length of the panorama.  I've found that if I crop the panorama so
it's not as wide then I don't get these marks.  You can see what I'm
talking about here:

(file is about 37K)

I'm using the same .pto file for both stitches, the only difference is
I change the "right" crop value in the "Sticher" tab.  The top version
I set the right crop to be 95,000 which results in an image that's
94,797x14,325 in size.  The bottom version I set the right crop to be
80,000 which results in an image that's 79,797x14,325 in size.  (For
both there is a left crop set at 203.)  But that's the only difference
between the two and in one I get the cloud marks, in the other I

I've also tried stitching a shrunk version of the entire image that's
only 40,000 wide and it comes out completely fine.

Here's info on what I'm running:

Slamd64 12.2 updated to -current
Hugin svn revision 3778
enblend - the CVS version from this past weekend.

Has anyone done a really wide panorama before and not had problems
like this?

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