On 14 apr, 18:37, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> Bart.van.Andel wrote:
> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's what the crop factor is
> > for. It serves as a factor between the sensor size and 36x24mm film,
> > like this:
> > [diagonal of sensor] x [crop factor] = [diagonal of 36x24mm film]
> you're right - crop factor is another approximation of size relative to
> 36x24. If the form factor is the same, it works. Else it is an
> approximation.

What do you mean by "form factor"? If you mean the relation between
width and height - that has been taken account for, since the diagonal
is used, or am I mistaken here?

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