In addition, opening the output of Hugin is always problematic (16-bit
tiff with alpha channel). I always have to remove the alpha channel in
VIPS/NIP (which tends to require at least 30 minutes trying to figure
out its improbably user-unfriendly interface) before Photoshop opens
it. I remember the same behavior from PTGui back in the day, which -
if i recall correctly - had something to do with the packbits
compression. Is there a way to turn that off in Nona?


On May 20, 8:23 am, Harry van der Wolf <> wrote:
> 2009/5/19 Kunlun121 <>
> > Hi Harry,
> > Thanks for the reply. What did you mean with "got it working"? Should
> > I change something on my system to get it working too? Because using
> > the 123+ images version it sure did not work for me... Let me know if
> > that's singular and/or particular to my machine and whether you want
> > my help to single out what's wrong.
> No, sorry for the confusion. I made it, tested it and it worked. period.
> > Anyway, I followed your suggestions and both the regular Autopano-SIFT
> > and Panomatic. Panomatic was indeed much faster - a very nice
> > experience.
> > The Panorama stitched ok - so that's all good. However, Enblend
> > crashed 'cos it ran out of memory. A popup window asked to log a bug
> > tracker on, which I did. I copied all my nona output into the
> > tracker report.
> I've seen your tracker report. Yes, we recently did see some errors for
> enblend on images but in that case they were tiff's with masks and actually
> always the same set of images which were tested by several people.
> Next to that we never saw this error (to my knowledge) this early in the
> blending stage.
> Harry
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