hey jannes

On May 19, 12:39 am, Kunlun121 <jannes.bol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. I tried renaming the file in my library/
> application support/hugin/autopano directory to Autopano-SIFT-
> C_2.5-123plusImg.huginAutoCP (adding the underscore between C and 2.5
> in the file name). Still getting the same error message.
> Should I also remove the space in "application support"?

You should NOT rename the stuff in the "application support"-folder,
but make shure, that the path where your images of the panorama are
ddo not contain any spaces.
Afar from that I can tell you that generating panoramas works for me
(OS X 10.5.6, with Harry's newest build), even when the path contain
spaces. I normally just drag&drop images directly from my iPhoto-
Library to hugin, so I don't need to have duplicated copies of the
images on my HD...

I once also had an error that looked similar to your screenshot and
believe me or not, something very abnormal for OSX, a simple reboot
fixed the problem. Did you try to reset all hugin preferences to it's
default values and reboot your machine?

hope that helps, if not, just keep on asking!


> I figured that other applications may no longer function properly if I
> do this, so I tried placing the Autopano-SIFT-
> C_2.5-123plusImg.huginAutoCP file in a folder closer to the root (path
> had no spaces in it). Then I specified "use alternative autopano-SIFT
> program" and pointed Hugin to this new directory (which now held the
> file with no spaces in its name). Hugin now gave as error message that
> the Autopano-SIFT program wasn't found at all.
> Has anyone ever gotten it to work on a Mac?
> Jannes
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