Hallo Everyone,

I have had exactly the same problem with some panoramas. Some I manage
to  finish  by adding one image at a time and aligning, or adding more
and more control points. Others I gave up or used other software which
did not have issues.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 11:44:18 AM, you wrote:
Dale> Looking at the photos, the points are all in the right place.
Dale> Is hugin reading the points based upon position of the photo and
Dale> which is contributing to the errors?

I would second this possibility.

Dale> Originally I thought this was a problem with colors (hence my
Dale> mellow, yellow e-mail) however I think it's a bug in hugin. 
Dale> Other optimizers are able to take this same set of photos and do 
wonderfully with it.

Also had this experience. 

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