On 2 sep, 00:37, Greg <ggar...@tuffmail.com> wrote:
> (2) After creating control points, and before any optimization, check
> the distance values of all points in the control point table; problem
> images have large (in the thousands) distance values for one or more
> control point pairs, for whatever reason. Delete any pairs with such
> values and create new points manually, if necessary.

I think you're a bit off here. Pairs of control points only get such
high error values after at least one optimization step, in which Hugin
finds out how the images should be positioned. If there is a mismatch
somewhere (e.g. a flipped image), high errors will be the results. The
numbers indicate how many pixels the CPs are apart in the optimized
positions (with optimized distortion values). When there are no
strange things (flipped images and images placed completely wrong) CPs
with a high distance are likely to be wrong CPs and should be deleted.
Otherwise, check for a global problem first.

If you want to know how much Hugin thinks the CPs differ based on the
image content (NOT the positions), you can hit "Fine tune all points"
and then examine the CP table. High values (close to 1) indicate the
CPs are pretty different, low values (close to 0) indicate they are
very similar, purely based on the image area around the CP.

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