Hi Yuv,

Definitely disappointing that camera manufacturers still have not
caught on to increased dynamic range work yet.  Even external camera
control software, which should have a lot more flexibility, doesn't
address the need (at least for Nikon).

Another aspect of bracketing that would be a factor for me would be
the ability to lock up the mirror for an entire bracket series.  Is it
really necessary to meter between brackets, especially in manual
mode?  Is there some other technical limitation for this?


On Sep 27, 4:26 am, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> RueiKe wrote:
> > What type of bracketing capabilities do the A850D and the 7D have?
> the usual, plain, boring -2/0/+2 AEB. there are, of course, workarounds,
> but I am really fed up of camera manufacturers not understanding such a
> basic need and implementing such a simple function as
> for a= -x to +x
>    shoot a picture
>    increase the exposure value
>    a=a+y
> next
> and let the user define x and y through the UI.
> x=2 and y=2 is what Canon does.
> x=6 and y=2 is what I'd like to do in many cases.
> > heard that the Canons have only a max of 3 steps, but maybe this is
> > only consumer level.
> no, it's overall. I would call it engineer's deafness.
> > The Nikons support 3, 5, 7, and 9 steps at a max
> > increment of 1EV, while I heard that Pentax supports 2EV increments,
> the 1EV steps is what disturbs me with Nikon. creates a lot of
> unnecessary junk. so they fixed y at 1.
> Pentax has IMO the so far best implementation, but is also limited
> (reduced x range).
> > Have you considered the Nikon D3 (or D700)?  It has
> > excellent high ISO noise performance and prices have really come down.
> I've looked at Nikon too, yes. I have "good" (as in: similar to Canon;
> and not as in: how I would expect a customer-centric business to
> operate) experience with the brand (I own a Nikonos V with plenty of
> accessories). I end up coming back to the Canon or SONY choice because I
> already have lenses and moving to Nikon, Pentax, or any other contender
> would break the budget. I am not inclined to "top up" at this point.
> > Next question would be what is the best lens for high resolution
> > panos?  I am using the Voigtlander 20mm Color Skopar almost
> > exclusively now.  Very compact and great CA performance.
> indeed the question of the lens comes even before the body.
> If this was "web resolution full spherical", I would not consider a full
> frame sensor; and I would consider the 7D to be an overkill (no need for
> such a great viewfinder; and 18mpx on an APS-C is overkill for the
> softness of the current generation of fisheye lenses).
> For this specific work I'll be shooting in the 100mm to 200mm range -
> "pano" being a synonymous with composite or mosaic more than with wide
> field of view. And my good old Minolta AF 100-300mm F4.5-5.6 (APO D)
> fits the bill. The SONY body would add stabilization to it. Adding a
> comparable lens to a Canon or Nikon system would set me back of more
> than 1000$.
> I could justify the 1000$ on a Canon lens coupled with the 7D because
> the 7D fits in my existing system. The project's budget itself justifies
> the body only, which in the case of the Alpha 850 would give me the
> option to resell it with my good Minolta glasses and accessories after
> the project ended if I did not like them for whatever reason.
> What entices me is a full frame sensor - because of the increased depth
> of field control. I've recently allowed myself the luxury of exposing a
> 35mm film and it feels so gooooooood. But going full frame on Canon is
> not really an option at this moment; and even less Nikon.
> Yuv
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