Tim Nugent wrote:
> Check this out, I'd say SLRs are now good enough for making movies:
> http://www.vimeo.com/6501875
> And of course you can use all your favourite lenses and do amazing things
> with depth of field. You can get video lenses that do all that but it would
> cost you an absolute fortune..

I don't doubt the quality of the video shot with SLRs. It's much better 
than the quality shot with camcorders. The sensor is larger and has much 
less noise. The lenses are better. All of this I know.

What I notice looking at the beautiful movie you linked is that most of 
the shots are either not spontaneous; or if they are the camera is held 
like a DSLR and not like a camcorder. Many of the shots look as if the 
photographer (not videographer) was waiting to capture a specific moment.

Try following a crawling toddler with a DSLR, and try it with a camcorder.

With the camcorder I tilt the screen up 90°. I hold the camcorder from 
the top. I stretch my hand down so that the camcorder hovers at my son's 
level. I can still walk in a relatively steady motion, next to the 
camcorder. I can check my framing.

With a DSLR I must put my eye behind the camera to check my framing. I 
would have to put my eyes close to ground level. I could not walk and 
keep a more or less steady motion. Sure, I could put the DSLR on a dolly 
(tripod with wheels) at the right level. But it is not something I have 
handy everywhere for spontaneous shots.

Also: my wife is intimidated by the 350D - and would probably be by the 
7D too. She has no problems hitting the record and stop buttons on the 
camcorder. It's a great family gadget.

Yes, I love the quality of the video afforded by the 7D (or the 5D 
MkII). Some of the effects I can't do with the camcorder. The focus 
control in the movie you linked is amazing. I could do some neat stuff 
with it. But it is no replacement for a camcorder to me. It would be a 
nice complement.

If I had unlimited resources I'd buy a 5D MkII (or a 7D) and a couple of 
good lenses. I made the decision to buy the camcorder when the 5D MkII 
was announced and the video specs were known. It's a conscious decision 
that I do not regret.


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