RizThon wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 04:21, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
>> Tim Nugent wrote:
>>> What do you need the high FPS for Yuv?
>> fast moving subjects. action!
> So that wouldn't really be for taking panoramas I guess ^^

well, not only panoramas. one thing I found interesting in the replies 
to my question on different lists is what preconceived notions are 
attached to the term panorama.

on one list it was the single-shot panorama vs. stitched panorama (and 
the recommendation was: go full frame to use the whole field of view of 
the wide lenses);

on another list it was panorama = full spherical with fisheye lenses and 
the least possible number of shots to stitch (and the recommendation was 
against the SONY because popular fisheyes such as the Tokina ATX or 
Sigma 8mm are not available in Alpha mount);

the project I'm hired for leaves me a lot of room for creativity and one 
of the things I'll have is action inside a panorama ( = stitched high 
resolution mosaic).

> Also be carefull,
> sometimes it's written something like "7 images per seconds *" and when you
> look at the "*" it says that you need the grip with the additional
> batteries

I never trust marketing-speak, thank you for the warning :)

> I don't understand why using a FF you'll have a better shallow depth of
> field effet?

Daniel gave the perfect answer.


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