On Tue 13-Oct-2009 at 22:59 +0200, J. Schneider wrote:
>I have wished this several times when my computer crashed during a
>stitch and I could at least have saved the remapping step if I had been
>able to start over at the blending step. (Not possible on the command
>line with cropped intermedaite files.) Neither hugin nor the batch
>processor allow this

Yes, it is a shame that the Batch Processor doesn't support this, 
though it works very well on the command-line.

The problem with cropped TIFF files can be worked-around by turning 
it off in Hugin, but really this needs to be fixed in your image 
editor.  The Gimp understands offsets in multi-page TIFFs, so it is 
probably a really easy fix for single-layer files in the Gimp.


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