On Wed 14-Oct-2009 at 10:29 -0400, Nicolas Pelletier wrote:
>This is currently set up as a one to one match, but should be a one to many
>I think:
>The first part could be done with (one per project):
>- Many images with control points and aligned with nona
>- A single equirectangular
>- 6 cube faces
>And the second one could be a series of output (many per project):
>- A low rez stereographic projection centered at X
>- A higher rez stereographic projection centered at Y and with a smaller FOV
>- A HDR equirectangular for postprocess elsewhere (with an alignment
>different from the other ones)

The problem with stitching one-to-many is that you really don't want 
to repeat the stitch for each of your output 'views' - Not only will 
this take forever, but your seam lines will be in different places 
each time.

The right way to do this is to stitch a 'base' equirectangular of 
the scene, then generate different projections/views from this.

You can do this in Hugin, just import the equirectangular into a new 
project and use the various output projections, or use Tom's Panini 
tool which is specifically designed for extracting different views.

What I'm trying to say is that the 'many' part is necessarily a 
post-processing step, and doesn't really benefit from being 
integrated into Hugin.


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