Thanks Ryan for explaining all that is involved. Indeed it looks like it's
not just a problem of compiling Hugin on your own computer...

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Ryan Sleevi
> wrote:

> > well I'd be thrilled to contribute and I do use windows. actually I've
> > been going off it lately but I imagine it's cyclical.
> > What I would require is a crude explanation what is and how works  C
> > and what is C ++ how is the same name for program language different
> > in windows and unix. I would need to know what these differences are
> > before I dived in and tried to figure stuff out
> > mick
> Not to discourage anyone from contributing, because it's always welcome,
> but
> it's important to understand that the lack of Windows binaries is not
> solely
> related to 'the lack of someone to compile them,' which I think is what Yuv
> was getting at originally before the flame war erupted.
> What is needed is someone to do for the Windows side what Yuval
> (previously)
> did for the general releases: Someone who can shepherd the platform,
> maintain it, and support it. For example, what happens if someone has a
> crash that is only on Windows? Who will be responsible for tracking it
> down,
> getting diagnostic information, etc? Who will maintain the installer,
> ensuring everything gets put in its proper place? And let's not forget
> dependencies - and all their myriad configurations. When development
> progresses, will the person building binaries have the necessary knowledge
> and skill to keep their environment up to date - and to ensure that when
> it's prepared for end-users, it's kept as simple and clean as possible?
> There has definitely been a lot of interest in getting Windows compiled -
> which is great, as it's a good beginners step into this. However, judging
> by
> the questions on the list so far, it doesn't seem like (and I hope I'm not
> offending anyone when I say this) that no one who has stepped up really
> understands what the challenges were and are, and that the same quality
> concerns may persist once your first 'hugin.exe' is sitting in your output
> directory.
> I've seen suggestions about possible installer scripts and the like -
> except
> there is already an installer script that, while valid for 0.7.0,
> definitely
> needs polish and attention. I've seen a lot of questions about dependencies
> and compilation bugs (on all platforms, for that matter), when many of the
> questions are already answered on the Wiki. While yes, I'm aware that
> sounds
> dangerously close to the anti-user "RTFM", it really cannot be understated
> how important that step is.
> In terms of what has (historically) prevented a 0.8.0 release, consider the
> following:
> - No one has stepped up to own the installer. A huge amount of work is
> already done, but there is still significant work to be done to put
> together
> an end-user-friendly, international-law-abiding installer.
> - No one has stepped up for the 'cat herding' task of building a plan for
> how a Windows release might go. Once the binaries are built (which, not to
> insult anyone, really is the easiest part), how will they get tested on the
> various platforms? How will feedback be collected? How will issues be
> addressed - Windows specific issues, installer issues, platform issues?
> - What about 32-bit and 64-bit binaries? They *are* different, they *do*
> have different build steps and, while their dependencies are the same,
> actually resolving those dependencies requires quite a few different steps.
> For Linux and Mac this is much easier, but on a platform like Windows, with
> a build system like CMake, a compiler like MSVC, and a (justifiable) policy
> of static linking, this is a whole new set of challenges.
> - How will the exes be 'audited'? Consider that in the case of Linux,
> you're
> often building from source or seeing it distributed by your distro vendor -
> which is a nice clean audit trail of "no back doors". For Mac and Windows,
> when shipping binary versions, there is a matter of trust - trust which
> takes time to establish (as Harry has). Certainly that needs to be a
> consideration, even as a community with no specific liability.
> For those who are realizing that this task is a lot larger than perhaps
> they'd realized, or that it involves a set of skills that they may not
> necessarily have, don't be disheartened - there are still ways to
> contribute. Testing and feedback will always be a necessary part, just as
> interface design and behaviour will be important as well.
> While I can understand how Yuval's message seems to have got lost or
> misinterpreted, I would absolutely agree with the concerns he expressed on
> his personal page regarding the significance of this task, and why it is
> frustrating when people are frequently asking on list. It's not that there
> is anything wrong for asking, it's just that it's not nearly as simple as
> people may think it is, and it's misguided and potentially insulting to
> insist that it is, as some have in the past.
> --
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