> Could you be more specific? Which hugin download includes autopano-sift-C?
> Getting source and compile yourself is not the same as download.

The Mac downloads include it in the compiled version downloads (tested
0.8.0 and 2009.4.0).  I have not tested the Windows precompiled

Here is a link to the 2009.4.0 download:


On Dec 24, 11:47 pm, Kornel Benko <kornel.be...@berlin.de> wrote:
> Am Freitag 25 Dezember 2009 schrieb DaveN:
> > It is very disingenuous to claim autopano-sift-C has nothing to do
> > with Hugin and then include it in the Hugin download.
> Could you be more specific? Which hugin download includes autopano-sift-C?
> Getting source and compile yourself is not the same as download.
> Please have a look athttp://hugin.sourceforge.net/releases/2009.4.0/en.shtml, 
> Control point generators.
>         Kornel
> --
> Kornel Benko
> kornel.be...@berlin.de
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload

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