2009/12/26 DaveN <tahoedave...@yahoo.com>

> Bottom line is that you click on a hugin download link and you get
> autopano sift in the download.  Saying a disk image isn't really a
> package ring as being believable.
A disk image is definitely different even though you feel it is the same.
And the Hugin for OSX "CD" is no more or less than a CD.
The physical form is not important (like downloading the ubuntu or Fedora
disk or getting it via snail-mail or in a shop).
"Hugin for OSX" is a CD and can only be downloaded. It needs to be mounted
as a disk (even though you only have to double-click it), exactly like the
disk you get sometimes from magazines. Hugin for OSX does NOT come as an
installer, package or archive. You get a "CD" with hugin on it and other
tools, nicely separated but on one and the same (read-only) disk.
You mount the "CD" and NOTHING happens. No installer, no autostarter:
You manually copy the Hugin.app to it's location (as is with 90% of OSX
applications in contrast with e.g. windows).
On the "CD" you will find a folder containing licenses, on the "CD" you will
find a folder "autoCP generators" containing a(nother) readme and two small
"CD images": one containing panomatic, one containing autopano-sift-c.
When opening the small "CD" containing the AutoCP generator, you will find
again another readme, again a license file and off course the
generator/detector and an installer.

This is definitely totally different from a package or installer, no matter
what your gut feeling tells you or whether you can download it or buy a
"freeware/shareware" CD/DVD via a magazine, or an online webshop or a local
shop giving you a shiny disk in a luxury box.

A french magazine delivering a DVD with their magazine containing all kind
of imaging and video tools (a.o. ptgui, ptmac, hugin and (autocp) tools,
imagefuser (sounds interesting :-) )) and for example unrestricted full
functional other tools with "30 day trial, stop using it or buy a license",
is the same. The magazine is not responsible if the user uses the software
longer than 30 days without paying or if the user uses it against the
licenses provided with the software. (And the Hugin "CD" comes with the
licenses: twice!)

A user in the USA is warned 3 times and has the license 2 times available.
If he/she still decides to use it, then this user is practicing illegal
actions not the creator of the "CD".

One thing that is also constantly mixed up in this discussion:  patent
legislation, copyright legislation and licence legislation and finally
"normal" legislation w.r.t. end user responsibility.
Next to that: all licenses claim the usage of the software AND the
legislation in the country you are using it.
Using e.g. the OpenSource tool OpenOffice in North-Korea, as commercial
journalist or non-commercial student, to write an article against the regime
is still illegal in North-Korea even though it is not in the rest of the

Almost finally: the total population of the US is only 4% of the total world
population, be it one of the more technically advanced 4%. The commercial
photographers are even a much smaller amount of that 4% (and they should be
It also irritates me as a European that (some parts of) this 4% think they
can force their standard to the other 96%, or think that they are the
standard everything else should be aligned against.
Especially when the distributed form is correct.


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