On Wed 17-Mar-2010 at 20:36 +0000, Bruno Postle wrote:

One of the suggestions we had for lensfun was that Hugin could gain an option to submit EXIF and corresponding calibration data every time it does a stitch. This could be done via HTTP, and if it was done REST-fully there would be no need for a database application to receive the data, everything would be in the server logs and extremely scaleable.

So here is a bit of code as a test. It needs Panotools::Script 0.24 and a couple of standard perl modules.

What it does is to read a .pto project, find the first lens, gather some lens and EXIF data, and submits it via HTTP (currently to my home server, but this is configurable).

Run it like this:

 lens-submit someproject.pto


 lens-submit *.pto

..or even this if you like:

 find . -name "*.pto" -exec lens-submit '{}' \;

The data on the server looks like this, it is quite anonymous (except the ip-address which can be stripped): - - [21/Mar/2010:00:45:58 +0000] "GET 
 HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "lens-submit/0.25"

The difficult bit will be to write a tool that does something useful with this information.


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use strict;
use warnings;
use Panotools::Script;
use Image::ExifTool;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI;

my $url = $ENV{LENS_URL} || 'http://oink.postle.net/';

my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
$agent->agent('lens-submit/'. $Panotools::Script::VERSION);
$agent->timeout (5);

for my $path_pto (@ARGV)
    print "Project file: $path_pto\n";
    my $pto = new Panotools::Script;
    $pto->Read ($path_pto);
    unless (scalar @{$pto->Control} > 4)
        print "Skipping: not enough control points\n"; next;

    my $image = $pto->Image->[0];

    my $query_image = {};
    for my $parameter qw/w h f v a b c d e g t Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Va Vb Vc Vd Vx Vy/
        $query_image->{$parameter} = $image->{$parameter}
            if defined $image->{$parameter};

    my $path_photo = $image->Path ($path_pto);
    unless (-e $path_photo)
        print "Skipping: Can't find $path_photo\n"; next;

    my $exiftool = new Image::ExifTool;
    $exiftool->Options (PrintConv => 0);
    my $photo = $exiftool->ImageInfo ($path_photo);
    unless (defined $photo->{Make} and defined $photo->{Model})
        print "Skipping: Incomplete EXIF\n"; next;

    my $query_photo = {};
    for my $parameter qw/ColorSpace ExifVersion FileType FNumber FocalLength FOV
        FocalLengthIn35mmFormat ImageHeight ImageWidth Lens LensModel LensType 
        Model ResolutionUnit ScaleFactor35efl Software SubjectDistanceRange 
        $query_photo->{$parameter} = $photo->{$parameter}
            if defined $photo->{$parameter};

    my $uri = new URI ($url);
    $uri->query_form (%{$query_image}, %{$query_photo});

    my $response = $agent->get ($uri->as_string);

    if ($response->is_success) {print 'Submitted: '}
    else {print 'Failed: '}
    print $query_photo->{Make} .' '. $query_photo->{Model}
        .' : '. $response->status_line ."\n";

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