On 29 March 2010 16:27, Darko Makreshanski <dmakreshan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm actually still not sure what is the general opinion about this feature,
> since apart from James, no one else has commented on it.

Some thoughts from me, though there are more ideas already in this
thread than can be implemented in one project:

Fancy effects are a good thing, the more fun Hugin is to use the
better. So I really like the idea of animating the transitions between

Another trick that would help comprehension would be to animate the
transition to layout mode, though this would be harder to implement.

Overlaying a standard latitude/longitude grid over the preview would
also help comprehension, I would show this with mouse-over in the
Projection mode and during animated transitions (we need less buttons
and options in Hugin not more).

I'm a bit confused about the overview and zoom suggestions, I think
they are orthogonal ideas.

I like the idea of a view of a globe showing the entire sphere around
the camera, however this would need to show the following information:

* A grid that matched the latitude/longitude grid used elsewhere.

* The area with coverage by photos.

* The outline of the current panorama canvas rectangle.

* The outline of the current crop rectangle.

With all this info, I think remapping the photos is superfluous and
would confuse the clarity of the feature as a diagram. Also if it was
a simple line drawing it could be overlaid onto the panorama in
Projection and Drag mode (again using mouse-over for visibility).

I'm not sure what the value of zooming is, it won't help users see the
quality of alignment - As Hugin simply draws all photos on top of each
other, the actual seam placement is done by enblend during stitching.

What would be useful would be a standard-ish immersive panorama
viewer, where panning around didn't change the panorama itself and
where the wheel mouse zoomed in and out just like QuickTimeVR. This
would be another tab in the preview.

You have identified that rotating groups in Drag mode is a bit strange
when the group is off-centre, the rotation point could be the 'centre
of gravity' of the group rather than the centre of the panorama.

The current Drag mode where yaw and pitch are changed actually makes
no sense when there are any XYZ mosaic camera transformations in the
project - As the optimiser will simply put the panorama back where it

This doesn't need to be user configurable: when there are XYZ
parameters in the project, Drag mode should switch to an XY
transformation instead of a rotation.

Note that we still have some unresolved issues with the fast preview:

Layout mode currently doesn't know about XYZ mosaic parameters, as a
result it draws the photos in crazy positions.

The 'old' preview still isn't integrated, if the remaining
functionality can't be reproduced with OpenGL then the 'old' preview
needs to be moved to another tab in the fast preview at some point.

We have a nice distinction between 'modes' that are switched by
changing tabs and 'actions' that are widgets within those tabs, but
there is a Panorama tab which is a mixture of tools that don't fit
anywhere else, e.g. the 'show points' mode could be another tab, but
doesn't have enough functionality to justify it (It would be nice to
somehow integrate the floating Control Points table with 'show


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