T. Modes wrote:
If I undestood it correctly it's like you just explained for XYZ. It
should create several panospheres with shifted center. The projection
camera is moved to the point from which images has good overlap. The
problem (which affects mainly end user) is that there is only one
camera position for which the overlap is good. In other words – if you
create panorama using XYZ you can't move camera at all (there may be
some case in which it doesn't matter).

The Tr[xyz] parameter reproject the image out of the center of the
panosphere using one plane (not a sphere). See Pablos mail on panotool-
dev-list http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.panotools.devel/1701
The image with non-zero Trxyz parmeters is projected on one plane and
then from this plane reprojected to the panosphere. So it is
understandable that this only works for panos with hfov <180°.


Thank you, this makes more sense, as it converts to planar and then back to spherical model.

So now actually for each image that has nonzero Tr[xyz] parameter, the projection mode is automatically switched to planar.

Also in this case, adjusting rotation for groups in the fast preview should also rotate the position of the shifted origins, since now any rotation breaks the correspondence.


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