On 22 sep, 19:02, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> On September 22, 2010 05:43:19 am Bart van Andel wrote:
> > I just read your patch, to see if I could spot a bug
> Thank you, Bart!  You spotted right.  With your fix it no longer segfaults on
> my tests.

Ok great! Exercise completed successfully :-)

I like the idea of your patch by the way. It's neat.

A more complicated version could auto-undo when you first hide a
picture and then immediately show it again, without doing anything in
between. Or even group all successive hide/show actions and remove
combined hide/show actions (as netto this would be the same as doing
nothing to the image). This should be done when the first non-hide/
show-action is performed. But that is just an optimization step which
probably only makes sense if such history steps would take up lots of
memory, which I guess they don't.


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