Hi Yuv,

> > First, it does not work correctly if you undo/redo a command which
> > changes the number or order of the images (add/remove image, swap
> > images and so on). In this case you switch the active state of not
> > affected images.
> Yes.  I find this to be a "cosmetic" issue.  I might as well make them all
> visible.  I don't need the visibility history all together.  Or...
I think, that's not a "cosmetic" issue. Imaging following case: Work
on project -> New Project -> Undo, now *all* images are hidden. That's
not cosmetic.

> > Second, I don't think it is a good idea to modify the panorama object
> > directly (even in the CommandHistory::Undo/Redo). All modifications of
> > the panorama object should happen inside a PanoCommands, which are
> > push to the command stack. All other can produce side effects which we
> > don't consider at the first glance.
> Doesn't it become a chicken and egg problem?  I mean, I want to skip over
> those PanoCommands that toggle visibility.
> But then, if I simplify the patch, give up completely the visibility thing and
> just simulate the multiple repeated undo/redo? then it would not modify the
> panorama object directly?  

That sounds better.

> I can always issue a "show all" PanoCommands at the
> end of the sequence.
I thinks, that no good idea. The first approach should work better.


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