On Sep 26, 9:18 am, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> That's simply wrong. The multirow/stack option has also advantages for
> "simple" panoramas. It is faster (in most cases) in comparision to
> match all images at once, and more important it reduces drastically
> the risk of getting wrong connections/control points. If there are no
> stacks, this step is simply skipped.
> So with multi-row the cp detection is more robust and therefore a
> newbie will get better results with it than with an "all in one"
> setting.
Just removing it from the installer doesn't mean the user can't use it
in the future. It's just a matter of creating a new CPG entry and
populating it with the desired calls. I agree that stacks are a good
thing, that's why I tried to find a way of keeping the entry by
replacing the two-step CPG process involving autopano/generatekeys by
something the user might have already (he may or may not have any of
the CPGs, since the user can choose which to install).
I still feel the initial install is better off lean, but I it's just
my personal preference.
with regards

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