Hi Oskar,

On September 28, 2010 06:50:42 am Oskar Sander wrote:
> One problem i seem always have lately with the hugin kits, is the
> enblend.exe doesnt run on my XP.   "The system cannot execute the specified
> command"
> this happens for both the ordinary and the openmp versions.

what processor do you have in your system?

> Funny enough, I can run enblend_GPU, which I always substitute from an old
> version.

in the GPU version, it is the video card that runs the show.  So: what video 
card do you have?

> Please enlighten me, is there HW differences that these programs rely on
> (naively i would expect the GPU verion being most sensitive to HW
> differences)

they are both sensitive to different parts of the hardware.  I have added an 
FAQ [0], [1] but even my little Atom supports SSE2 so I am "blind".  Can you 
please check it is correct and update if necessary?


[1] http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_FAQ#Enblend-

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