On September 24, 2010 11:24:40 am kfj wrote:
> The newly installed CPGs and the CPG settings (also for the missing
> ones) produce problems on my system. match-n-shift won't run - now
> this may be because I don't have ImageMagick installed

and because Windows does not have a proper package management system, so it is 
not possible for the installer to know what you do or don't have.  The 
solution would be for the installer to also install ImageMagick if it is 
possible to check whether it is already present before doing so.

> As far as autopano is concerned, there is a name conflict here with
> autopano by A. Jenny and autopano by S. Nowozin, which is a different
> thing altogether. A. Jenny's is used as standalone CPG, whereas
> Nowozin's is used with existing .key files (like in conjunction with
> generatekeys), if my understanding is correct.

the name autopano has been over-used. the above two tools are unmaintained and 
for all practical purpose it is better to ignore them / remove them from the 
installer all together.

> And the settings for autopano-sift-c include '--projection %f,%v',
> which does not work with the autopano-sift-c.exe I took from my
> previous installation [version 2.5.2] (since the installer didn't
> actually install it).

autopano-sift-c is the only one in the "autopano" series (i.e. SIFT-based CP 
detectors) worth considering, but it too has problems. 2.5.2 is broken, use 
2.5.1 instead.

> I think the CPG deployment needs some finetuning ;)

That's a nice understatement.  In terms of software deployment in general 
Windows is a pain because of the lack of package manager.  You should really 
give Kubuntu a try.  There is, of course, a learning curve, but I think you'll 
be delighted.


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