Hi Mattew, thanks for your edits to my installer scripts! :)
And thank you for the Windows build (could you also provide a x64

On Sep 25, 4:23 am, Matthew Petroff <matt...@mpetroff.net> wrote:
> Control point generator settings are stored in the registry. To remove
> them you had to check "Clean Registry Settings" when you ran the
> uninstaller.
> I also made changes to Panomatic.nsh in order to take advantage of
> SourceForge mirrors. A random mirror from a list of ten is chosen for
> the download of Panomatic, and if it fails the other mirrors are tried
> until one works. In addition, I changed HuginSetup_common.nsh to set
> the default control point generator to one of the ones the installer
> downloads, if it does so.
> These changes are available here:http://www.box.net/shared/b8gg663s0g

I've added your changes into latest release my script (0.2.11)
available on BitBucket (I'll post it on SourceForce ASAP).

I've been a little busy in latest days, and I've found this thread
really interesting. In CPGs there are a lot of confusing settings and
binaries: maybe we can make a point on that, maybe listing all the
available (and download-able) CPG with their params to set in Hugin.
I'll then fix the installer according to your finding.. :)


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