The solution for autopano SIFT-C is removing the parameters --
projection %f%v in the parameter line in the preference tab.
Then even Autopano SIFT-C 2.5.2 of T.K. Sharples generates enough
control points.
I've no problems with this version of Autopano SIFT-C.
This solution is already mentioned in another thread of release
candidate 2.
There is a link to an installer of RC2  too in this thread,  which has
the right parameters after installation.

Kind regards,
Henk Tijdink

On 4 okt, 11:39, JeCh <> wrote:
> Since we are already in RC state, there are some things which should
> be fixed IMHO before releasing the final version. I believe those only
> concern the Windows version.
> 1) Autopano-SIFT-C (not the multirow/stacked version) doesn't work. It
> creates only a few control points and those are completely wrong. Can
> someone else confirm this? If it works for you, what is your command
> line in settings?
> 2) Many problems with HDR (not panoramic) images.
>    a) The images get incorrectly aligned (although the control points
> are OK).
>    b) Strong distortion of images when using the "straighten" function
> in preview.
>    c) The problem mentioned 
> here:
> 3) Hugin can't process images stored in path with non ASCII
> characters. Usually the problem appears when running Nona. First I
> thought it can be fixed by using a different encoding of .tmp files.
> But that didn't help. So I tried to convert the path to the short
> (DOS) names and that fixed the problem. The same problem appears if I
> try to use Autopano-SIFT-C multirow. I believe that these problems
> would be fixed by using short path names (
> us/library/aa364989%28VS.85%29.aspx). They are already used in .bat
> files for user profile directory.
> I hope the problems 1 and 3 could be fixed quite easily (and should be
> fixed before releasing the final version IMHO). The problems in 2) are
> quite difficult to describe and reproduce. But I would assist as much
> as I can if somebody wants to look into it.
> Many thanks for all of your ward work.

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