Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> On November 7, 2010 03:13:44 pm Yuval Levy wrote:
>> Do I understand correctly that the ./debian folder is all what is added to
>> a plain unpacked tarball?  i.e. if I would like to do a bleeding edge
>> build rather than a 2010.2.0 build, could I simply copy the ./debian
>> folder into a clean repo checkout, update the control file with newly
>> added dependencies and reasonably expect that it would work in most cases?

> partial answer to self:  there is also a ./.pc folder with the patches.

This is a generated file, do not copy it over.

YWhen you unpack a debian source (v3) package (foo.dsc) dpkg first
unpacks the source tarball and debian.tar.gz, then it applies the
patches listed debian/patches/series. It keeps a log of applied
patches in the .pc directory.

If you manually unpack the tarballs (and don't apply the patches)
later when building dpkg-buildpackage will take care of applying the

cu andreas

`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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