kfj wrote:

I have used awk/gawk a lot when I was still working as a programmer,
so I can probably help if your efforts become more involved. awk is
much more powerful than just changing a few words in a bit of text.
Everyone who's into scripting would do well to learn at least a bit of
it; many tasks that seem daunting otherwise become very easy indeed.

Awk is really good at text processing, but that is also it's main
scope. As a general purpose language it becomes a bit awkward. If you
want a tool that can do everything awk does plus everything else you'd
expect from a programming language, go for Python. You won't regret
it. In Python you can also use regular expressions to pick out bits of
text and then change them to something else; since it's general-
purpose, it's more verbose but also much more flexible.

"back in the day" (g)awk was useful (and I used it).

However, with perl now so mature and widely installed
(or installable) I view awk as of historical interest

I use, and would recommend, perl as a "scripting glue" language.

Perl has a helpful combination of syntactic convenience
and a huge library of pre-cooked code.


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