On 22 Nov., 10:53, paul womack <pwom...@papermule.co.uk> wrote:
> "back in the day" (g)awk was useful (and I used it).

it is still on every UNIX-like system, ready to go. Ubiquitous.
Allowed me to just write a five-liner to be run from the shell
to make my point.

> However, with perl now so mature and widely installed
> (or installable) I view awk as of historical interest only
> I use, and would recommend, perl as a "scripting glue" language.

I use, and would, and did recommend Python as a scripting language.
I suspect  perl is as powerful. Python got me first. And as far as
(most?) Linux systems go, Python is already there - no need to
install anything.

> Perl has a helpful combination of syntactic convenience
> and a huge library of pre-cooked code.

I had a good look at Panotools-Script. I can only subscribe to what
Eric O'Brien
wrote above. It may be extremely cool code, but I found it very hard
figure out what it actually did. I feel that Python is more legible.

with regards

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