thanks for the advice KFJ, right now im into you mentioned im
learning from reading some other perl scripts that uses hugin command line
tools and other software for HDR for the file naming i used a
common approach to the video sources, almost like the one you mentioned...i
wish somebody in hugin development tool could overhoul the batch processing
mode to allow this..

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:50 AM, kfj <> wrote:

> On 23 Nov., 20:22, john doe <> wrote:
> > anyways, im reading a bit into scripting...i understand mostly perl based
> > scripting...what do you recommend for beginners?please keep in mind that
> im
> > not a programmer...
> >
> > i need a scripting language that suits the needs ive told you KFJ..
> >
> > im trying with qt4 right now.
> I find it very hard to give you advice on that, because I'm an ex-pro
> and have been using and programming computers quite intensely for some
> 30 years now. So I can't really judge what is good for a beginner. If
> you are serious and want to learn a powerful language that has a scope
> from scripting to general purpose application programming, I'd
> recommend Python, but I'm biased, because I'm a Python user myself,
> and I already know a fair number of programming and scripting
> languages - I've even done a fair bit of language design. So what I
> think is an ideal tool may be too powerful and too complex for you. It
> is very accessible and well-documanted, though, just visit,
> you'll see.
> When it comes to panorama scripting, a lot of code has been written
> already in perl. You can either use the ready-made scripts, or try and
> adapt them to your needs by modifying them or taking bits from them
> and building your own on top. You may have noticed, though, that the
> existing scripts often aren't very well documented, so this process
> may be less efficient than you'd wish for. I don't know perl, so I
> can't help you there, but if you ask specific questions here, the
> authors or experienced users of the code should notice and give you
> competent answers.
> When I look at your problem of just changing a few i-lines in a
> template panorama to stitch the same thing with different images, I
> feel that even a scripting language is more than you might need. It
> looks to me as if you could pretty much get the task done with a shell
> script and the odd call to one of the preexisting perl scripts or
> other command line tools. You might even get away with very little
> scripting if you adopt clever storage schemes for your data, i.e.
> putting the images for each panorama into a separate folder, naming
> them img00.tif - img09.tif, and copying the template script into the
> folder. The script should pick the images from the folder it's in if
> it has just the file names in th i-lines, not the full path. Setting
> it up this way, all you need is a shell script setting up the folders
> and copying and renaming the files. Learning to write shell scripts is
> well worth the effort anyway, because they are widely used, and if
> you're competent with the shell, you can work very efficiently from
> the command line, and the shell already has methods to deal with
> files, variables, arrays, pattern matching, and so on - only the
> syntax is a bit cryptic.
> with regards
> Kay
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