On Mon, November 22, 2010 10:44 pm, Yuval Levy wrote:
> On November 22, 2010 03:55:40 pm Bart van Andel wrote:
>> It's really a shame that Launchpad only implements the "provider" part
>> of the OpenID protocol, and not the "consumer" (relying party) part.
> yes.  I know from other sources that they are reviewing their whole
> sign-up /
> log-on architecture.  Since it is critical they don't want to make
> mistakes.
> Think for example of a spammer setting up an OpenID provider (plain
> simple,
> takes less than 10 minutes) and using it to generate tons of
> spam-accounts.
> They are experimenting with things and collecting data / observations of
> how
> users interact.  With such a large platform, they can't be as nimble as
> they
> would like to.
>> As long as I don't need the account, I'll wait
> Waiting is fine.  You'll need an account if you want to use the tracker,
> including voting for that issue to get fixed by hitting the "this bug
> affects
> me too" button ;-)
> Well, strictly speaking, the Hugin PPA team (binary builders, not to be
> confused with the development team, even if some people may be part of
> both)
> is using Launchpad and its build infrastructure (Soyuz) to build packages
> for
> Ubuntu Linux.  This is currently unfinished / incomplete job.
> There is a feature of that infrastructure which I would like to tap to
> produce
> "nightlies".  When everything works as advertised, LP can import the
> latest
> code from external repositories.  Provided with a "recipe" it can bake
> binaries automatically.  Think of it as on-demand builds of the bleeding
> edge.
> No manual intervention.  RAWstudio makes use of it and I get my nightlies
> as
> regular as the commit mails from heir (self hosted) SVN repo.
> I have two objectives for the Hugin PPA:
> 1. provide subscribers with the latest stable releases for all currently
> supported versions of Ubuntu;
> 2. and with the latest bleeding edge nightlies.
> Currently (1) is only partially implemented thanks to Philipp Seidel.
> Although there is a report that dependencies have not been specified too
> well

what is all this ?
are there maintainers for each distribution ? I guess they have some
"yum install hugin"

ah! cool it works
can somebody get a grip on this project so that people [2] can work with it ?



[2] lots

> [0] <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-hg/+bug/674581>

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