On 23 nov, 20:45, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> On November 23, 2010 07:55:08 am Bart van Andel wrote:
> > 4. enter SF handle, e.g. "blabla...@users.sf.net"
> finds nearly nothing here.  when I enter only "@users.sourceforge.net" it 
> finds
> i-root-42 (which I guess was generated by the import process and the i stands
> for import)

My account is really someth...@users.sf.net, not
@users.sourceforge.net, but if I just use "@users.sf.net" (without
anything in front of the @), it does not find me. Ah, you know, it's
not that much of a problem. I know how to work around the issue, which
is by finding my own bug report.

> > "There's no person with the name or email address 'blablabla'."
> I get blablabla into the reporter field as well, and I see the error you mean.
> My guess is that the error message means that there is no LP account by that
> name.

I guess.

> > So, first it finds me, than it doesn't find me. This is not expected
> > behavior, is it? Or is it the result of the Hugin import from SF,
> > where handles are only partly copied? It reeks of a bug to me.
> I have not been even able to find you.  If this bugs you, you can file a bug
> report with LP, but for that you'll need an account :)

Hehheh. Indeed :)


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